Relaxation on Sea
Relaxation on Sea offers a range of classes within the community, enabling people to come together collectively to take a breath and just be. Each of my classes focuses on a different topic from the alleviation of anxiety to the promotion of confidence. My ultimate aim is to give my attendee's the ability to feel totally present in the here and now...
Relaxation during pregnancy is a great way to tune in your body and achieve a calm and natural birth. I run six sessions at Do It Like a Mother HQ in Westcliff on Sea. During the course you will learn how to breathe properly, how to bond with baby in the belly, visualisation techniques and how to manage surges.
For further information and booking please follow this link:
Tailored Classes for your Company or Venue
Relaxation on Sea write all of their own relaxation scripts, making them suitable for any audience demographic. My scripts tend to begin with full body and muscle relaxation. I then treat my attendee's to a visualisation of a beautiful beach or forest, to make people feel like they are actually there. I can then talk about techniques to achieve your full potential or ways to stop smoking, loose weight or face your fear for example.
Please send me an email and I would be happy to help: